ERROR:  in win explorer, right click on Open Office source exe file, get "file processing error"
7100 RC I forget if this happened in 7000. I've got a nasty feeling it did. right click on Open Office exec file in Windows explorer 5 second pause, then get message: Confirm Invalid size or checksum of file or unsupported compression format - Native error 00008. File processing error, possibly disk is full Abort / Retry / Ignore clicking on "abort" button then immediately gives me the normal right click menu. Partition is used 3.75gb out of 8.8gb repeatable. downloading 3.0.1 again makes no difference. 3.0.0 exe gave same error. This is 145MB exe. Other than that, does not seem to cause any problem. Easily gotten past, as above. Does not seem to occur on any other file. right click / properties / tools / Error-checking finds no errors on the partition.Kris
May 3rd, 2009 3:41am

> I forget if this happened in 7000. I've got a nasty feeling it did>Does not seem to occur on any other file.I played along and downloaded it, right clicked, fine+dandy in build 7000.The only logic I could extrapolate at all is possibly very large EXE files mess up (hypothetically)or the particular physical location in which it resides is messed up. (Or your Installation is very very smart + evil and hates open-office?)
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May 3rd, 2009 3:58am

> I forget if this happened in 7000. I've got a nasty feeling it did >Does not seem to occur on any other file. I played along and downloaded it, right clicked, fine+dandy in build 7000. The only logic I could extrapolate at all is possibly very large EXE files mess up (hypothetically) or the particular physical location in which it resides is messed up. (Or your Installation is very very smart + evil and hates open-office?) LOL!!! My installation is definitely very very smart - however not evil as I love OO. My version of MS Office (2000) is a tad outdated. My use of things like that is very minimal anyway, so can't justify upgrading MS Office. Thanks for the check on 7000. I did check other large files on that, and other partitions, but no problem. It does take 5 seconds to think about it, but then gives me the appropriate menu.Kris
May 3rd, 2009 4:08am

Use Office 2000 in the XP VM. The integration between the VM and the host OS is much, much better than in VPC07. I've read a article recently that states that you can save an Office 2000 doc in the VM and it'll save to your Documents Library on the host OS. Also, the VM can access USB flash drives, so that makes document transfer a lot easier.- John
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May 3rd, 2009 2:45pm

Usasma - So what you're saying here is the "XP Mode" package can see USB devices... That IS very cool And very big news. I just read a trash piece someone linked to on ZDNet - where the author who is a hard core Linux fan (to say the least) claimed that XP Mode didn't see peripherals like USB drives and such and that everyone would be better off getting a copy of some Linux distro or other and running XP in a VM Ware or other VM package. (Of course... What else would a Linux devotee suggest?)If Microsoft has that stuff working - then that is a VERY big step forward in the VM arena... SWEET!
May 3rd, 2009 3:23pm

thread has gone OT, so will repeat OP orig prob. ERROR: in win explorer, right click on Open Office source exe file, get "file processing error" ""7100 RC I forget if this happened in 7000. I've got a nasty feeling it did. right click on Open Office exec file in Windows explorer 5 second pause, then get message: Confirm Invalid size or checksum of file or unsupported compression format - Native error 00008. File processing error, possibly disk is full Abort / Retry / Ignore clicking on "abort" button then immediately gives me the normal right click menu. Partition is used 3.75gb out of 8.8gb repeatable. downloading 3.0.1 again makes no difference. 3.0.0 exe gave same error. This is 145MB exe. Other than that, does not seem to cause any problem. Easily gotten past, as above. Does not seem to occur on any other file. right click / properties / tools / Error-checking finds no errors on the partition."" Kris
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 3rd, 2009 6:34pm

thread has gone OT, so will repeat OP orig prob. ERROR: in win explorer, right click on Open Office source exe file, get "file processing error" I think I'm in love with your font, but I wasn't staring, (That would be rude). (*heavy sigh*)Um, so uh, go to a command prompt and do an fsutil dirty set c: or better, schedule chkdsk /r.Then riding back in on your mighty steed, you can hold your sword high and declare the partition it's on to be error free.PLEASE TELL US HOW YOU GOT SO BIG
May 3rd, 2009 7:11pm

love it if you will, hate it if you must - LOL - but tell me how to make it smaller!!! Sometimes EDIT gives me raw source, but doesn't seem to want to now. I just did a copy paste from the orig thread title. my prob is not that it has marked the partition as bad, but that it seems to think that one file is bad.Kris
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May 3rd, 2009 7:18pm

Hi KrisM77: It may be a problem with the file itself. Have you tried downloading 3.1.0, the latest version? Does that work for you or do you still have the same problem? -Nick
June 21st, 2009 6:13pm

SAME PROBLEM SEEN WITH LATEST OPENOFFICE 3.1.1: All, I have had similar problem for couple of years on my PC with downloads of OpenOffice installers, various versions. When you right click the file in Windows Explorer, you get the Confirm dialog with the "Native Error: 00008" message. I always found that just clicking "Abort" allowed everything to proceed normally, but the error message was always annoying. At first I thought that the download files were bad, and tried downloading multiple times with same problem every time. Then i thought of comparing the file MD5 hash code with the correct values posted on openoffice site. these proved that in fact the download files were perfect and not corrupted. So I just learnt to click "Abort" whenever I saw this nasty message box. However, recently I decided to keep trying to track down the problem, and via a series of trial and error, as well as long hours searching the web, I have found the culprit, at least on my machine, is the program ZipGenius. This is a free zip/unzip tool for windows, and is very good. When you right click a zip file, it adds some context menu options for processing the zip file. Apparently it recognises the Openoffice installer exe as a type of zip. All I can think is that when you right click, aside from just doing the context menu thing, ZipGenius also does some sort of check of the file, and this is where the error comes in. How do I know? Well I uninstalled ZipGenius altogether, and lo and behold, no error message when I right click openoffice installer. With Winzip installed, it shows its context menu ok, no error message. I have tried re-installing using the latest ZipGenius download from the web, but still same error. I have also found this error mentioned on the ZipGenius forum, both English and Italian versions, but no solution raised. SOLUTION: 1) Uninstall ZipGenius, and instead use some other zip program. OR 2) Just click "Abort" whenever this message appears. BTW: ZipGenius apparently uses a Delphi component called ZipForge to do it's real work, so possibly other programs which use ZipForge may also exhibit similar error messages! regards, Garry.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
December 16th, 2009 4:07am

SAME PROBLEM SEEN WITH LATEST OPENOFFICE 3.1.1: All, I have had similar problem for couple of years on my PC with downloads of OpenOffice installers, various versions. When you right click the file in Windows Explorer, you get the Confirm dialog with the "Native Error: 00008" message. I always found that just clicking "Abort" allowed everything to proceed normally, but the error message was always annoying. At first I thought that the download files were bad, and tried downloading multiple times with same problem every time. Then i thought of comparing the file MD5 hash code with the correct values posted on openoffice site. these proved that in fact the download files were perfect and not corrupted. So I just learnt to click "Abort" whenever I saw this nasty message box. However, recently I decided to keep trying to track down the problem, and via a series of trial and error, as well as long hours searching the web, I have found the culprit, at least on my machine, is the program ZipGenius. This is a free zip/unzip tool for windows, and is very good. When you right click a zip file, it adds some context menu options for processing the zip file. Apparently it recognises the Openoffice installer exe as a type of zip. All I can think is that when you right click, aside from just doing the context menu thing, ZipGenius also does some sort of check of the file, and this is where the error comes in. How do I know? Well I uninstalled ZipGenius altogether, and lo and behold, no error message when I right click openoffice installer. With Winzip installed, it shows its context menu ok, no error message. I have tried re-installing using the latest ZipGenius download from the web, but still same error. I have also found this error mentioned on the ZipGenius forum, both English and Italian versions, but no solution raised. SOLUTION: 1) Uninstall ZipGenius, and instead use some other zip program. OR 2) Just click "Abort" whenever this message appears. BTW: ZipGenius apparently uses a Delphi component called ZipForge to do it's real work, so possibly other programs which use ZipForge may also exhibit similar error messages! regards, Garry. Great catch, Garry! To verify, I uninstalled zipgenius and problem went away. I installed 7-zip and that does not cause the prob. Again, great catch!!!
December 16th, 2009 5:10am

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